Welcome to Job-Winning Resumes' Company Website to Attain Success
Companies employ workers who are very motivated to make significant contributions in the workplace. Organizations want employees who have dynamic personality traits and job-specific knowledge. Our resume preparation services communicate your competitive edge.
We use personal branding to demonstrate what makes you the most qualified person for the position and we list your achievements to attain multiple interviews within your ideal industry. We will research and format your skillset in order to make the best impression on the hiring manager.
What Makes a Good Resume?
You are probably contemplating the long list of resume writing services that want to deliver the best product for the money. You want to know how much do writers charge and are they worth it?
The best resume writers must have the ability to research and explain information. The writer must apply these skills, because they provide human resources with insight to your motivations and your competencies. Human resources value motivations so much so that some types of employment require applicants to complete a test that measures their personality traits.
Personality characteristics such as problem-solving are effective when included within the branding of the applicant.​​ Writers need to research information from books, websites, blogs, and newspapers so as to communicate that you have a significant understanding of the market segmentation. This positions you as a self-starter with in-depth knowledge of the job offering.
Successful applicants complete all assignments with little to no supervision, and this is done by using clarity and precision to complete projects. Some writers miss these goals. The best resumes are cohesive: all questions regarding the requirements for employment need to fit like the pieces of a puzzle.

Why Choose Job-Winning Resumes?
Whether you have minimal real-world experience or you have an established workplace history, our best resume writers will place you strategically as the right applicant for the opportunity. Since there is no substitute for success, here is how our company will position you as the best applicant.
Understand the Job Opportunity
We research employment opportunities so that we can position you as someone who knows the exact needs for the specific job opportunity. All companies have objectives - this is their business plan. We demonstrate that you posses the right skills to fulfill that business agenda. We focus on your depth and breadth of knowledge because these traits demonstrates your ability to get to the core of an issue thorough research and previous experiences.
Strategic Thinking
Organizations will hire you to fulfill their business agenda, and we let hiring managers know that you have strategic thinking skills that will give a company a competitive edge in the ever-changing marketplace. Strategic thinkers have the capacity to identify opportunities that foster the accurate completion of intricate assignments. Strategic thinkers have the capability to analyze difficult situations, to anticipate marketplace trends, and to make informed decisions based on in-depth research. Most self-starters think strategically.
Resumes Seen by Human Resources
At our organization, we create documents that acknowledge the applicant tracking system (ATS) by using various types of formatting that includes applying keywords near the top of your resume within the Professional Objective. If an ATS is ignored, your excellent resume will never be seen by an actual person. We create easy-to-read resumes that comply with ATS requirements.
Researching ATS Keywords
More than 90% of organizations use an ATS to screen and rank job applicants, according to a study by the Harvard Business Review. We obtain keywords from the employment opportunity created by the company itself. This includes the job description. We place keywords in different sections of your resume. Furthermore, we also use software that analyzes job descriptions for keyword patterns. Your resume will skillfully get past an ATS.
The Meaning is in the Details
We cannot stress enough the importance of customizing resumes for specific jobs. We will provide human resources with context for your achievements. We will claim that you ‘pay attention to details’ only if we can provide examples where you applied your soft skills or hard skills to justify that claim. Context is everything. These are essential turning points where a general claim becomes a real-world result listed on your resume as a bullet point.
The Value of Self-Starters
Previously, we talked about the importance of strategic thinking. This skill provides the backbone for self-starters to demonstrate that they posses the initiative and the motivation to complete goals without supervision. Furthermore, self-starters take ownership of their actions, solve problems quickly, and seek to learn more skills. This employee provides value by quickly and accurately completing business plans that impact cost-effectiveness.
Sales Director
Communications Specialist
Teaching Assistant
10 Ways to Get the Most out of Formatting
While there are many formatting options for building a resume, four key elements stand out: name and address, professional summary, work history, and educational background. These are the bare essentials for any type of resume. But resume writers have other options that can be placed within a resume such as a SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS. We will get into that later.
Tip 1:
At the very top of the resume, center your name in bold text. Size 16 is a good size for your name. Regarding the rest of your resume, good font sizes are 11 to 12 points. Most resume experts recommend a sans serif font like Calibri, because this font is easy to read and looks professional. We will cover all parts of a resume. Our professional resume writing service will develop a format for a resume.
Beneath your name, list your address, telephone number, and email address. If you have a professional sounding email address, choose that option. This lets human resources know that you are creating a professional profile. You are laying the groundwork for your personality profile. If you have a LinkedIn account that contains relevant information, then place your LinkedIn profile beneath your address and the other identification content.
Tip 2:
A PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE statement follows your name and address and serves as your introduction to the hiring manager. Make a great first impression with great content and consistent formatting. Capitalize your PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE and then provide human resources with your experiences, skills, capabilities, accomplishments, and duties. Here is an example.
“PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE: Policeman with nine years of experience searching for new challenges and opportunities as a Strategic Intelligence Investigator who utilizes strong verbal and written communication skills in high-risk situations that require exceptional teamwork.”
Tip 3:
In just one sentence, our professional resume writer has given human resources six concrete reasons to hire the applicant. We have shown that you have the required experience, inquisitiveness, excellent verbal and written communication skills, risk assessment skills, and teamwork capabilities.
Under normal circumstances, we would list PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE after the PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE. However, this applicant placed SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS beneath the PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE. These bullet points are important enough that the resume writer prominently displayed content. Here is a resume that uses a SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS.
Tip 4:
Before a professional resume writer begins composing a resume, he or she will choose formatting that includes one of the following options: targeted, reverse chronological, combination, or functional. These are the best resume formats. What is the best resume format? Each product demonstrates pros and cons that are determined by the writer and the applicant after a brief consultation.
A reverse chronological resume – also called a chronological resume - lists your employment starting with the most recent job first. Your next job listing would be under the first job listing. Now is a good time to point out that resumes only need to go back 10 to 15 years. Job resume formats can make the difference between making contact with human resources and being overlooked for the position.
Why would you choose a reverse chronological format over another type of resume? The reverse chronological resume clearly shows the progression of skills and advancements through promotions and on-the-job training. If you have a consistent work history within a particular industry or you have excellent transferable skills, then this is the format for you. For example, if you have worked in customer service for several companies, then your reverse chronological resume would clearly describe your skill level and your progression of capabilities.
Another option for job seekers includes the functional resume that excludes work history altogether. You could create a section called SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS that lists your skills that are relevant to those required for the job. We have an example of a resume for someone who recently graduated from college with a bachelor's of communications. While this student did not opt for an internship, this opportunity could have given her invaluable experience and excellent networking potential.
This functional formatting option benefits people who have gaps in their employment or have moved from one industry to the next. The goal is to consolidate skills that you developed from several jobs. This type of resume is also useful for people who recently graduated from college or from a certification program. Sometimes, there can be a discussion regarding the effectiveness of a functional resume vs a chronological resume. Here is an example of a functional resume that can be highly effective when used in the right context.
The next type of resume is called a combination resume. This sounds familiar because this is the resume type that we created for the police officer. This is also called a hybrid resume because it utilizes a SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS along with your employment in reverse chronological order. This is a great way to list your excellent achievements in the workforce.
The final type of resume that we will cover is called a targeted resume. These can also be called customized resumes because the resume writer addresses the specific skills and requirements that are essential to securing the employment opportunity. While these resumes are very good, they can be time-consuming since each resume and cover letter are written for that specific job. You must have specific career goals in mind. We can talk about pricing options – targeted resumes are more affordable than you might anticipate.
Tip 5:
Most applicants choose a reverse chronological resume or a combination resume. After you choose one of these formatting options, we will demonstrate your suitability for the job within a PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE category that lists your relevant employment history. This section of the resume provides human resources with a comprehensive overview of your soft and hard skills. While there is no best format for a resume, applicants can chose from options that indicate how to format a resume in order to emphasize or deemphasize essential parts of a resume.
The PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE category explains your experiences that are relevant to the job. This category requires the writer to provide human resources with the name of the company and the date and year that employment started and ended. The resume writer will also need your ending job title and the location of the job.
Tip 6:
Bullet points are essential because they make the resume easy to read. Bullet points within the PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE category align your employment history with the employment description. In some circumstances, stand-alone bullet points can be used to acknowledge an applicant tracking system (ATS). Bullet points are great for cataloging keywords. You can place these keywords under a category called SKILLS or COMPETENCIES.
Businesses use ATS software to help human resources list and rank job applicants. It does this through keywords. While some keywords are obvious, other keywords - located within the job description section or the job requirement section - are not as apparent. Our resume service excels at finding all of the keywords through intense scrutiny.
Tip 7:
The next category is EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND. This provides human resources with hard skills that include degrees earned at universities and certifications offered through organizations such as Bing and Google. We did not forget about soft skills. We will get to them in a minute.
The EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND category should contain the type of degree earned – associates, bachelors or masters - and the name of the university and the month and date that you attended the university. The resume writer also needs the name of the organization offering certification along with the amount of time it took to complete coursework.
Tip 8:
While we focus on hard skills, we always address soft skills which could include creativity and problem-solving. Some companies prefer applicants with skills that were developed within the workplace. Here is an example. If you currently work as a salesperson for an automotive dealership, the transition to a sales position as a real estate agent would be seamless.
To complete this transition, you need to demonstrate essential motivations such as adaptability and goal orientation. When hiring managers are developing your personality profile, they want to identify that you have personality characteristics that make you the best person for the job. These characteristics are called motivational factors, and applicants who heavily rely on these factors will be more successful in the workplace than employees who prioritize some other traits - ensure that your factors align with the job description by pinpointing, for example, how the characteristic 'goal orientation' will impact your performance in the workplace.
Tip 9:
Another part of your resume could profile ACADEMIC COURSES. This is helpful if you are in the process of earning a degree or certificate. If the job description contains the necessary skills and you have obtained these skills through some organization that offers a degree or a certificate, then you can list completed coursework as bullet points.
Tip 10:
The type of resume that you choose will be impacted by formatting. Keep these options in mind during your job search. If you locate a job that matches your skills, you could select a combination resume or a reverse chronological resume or a functional resume to illustrate how your employment profile aligns with the job description. Being flexible and adaptable, our resumes demonstrate your potential for success through excellent content and excellent formatting.